If you like jumping and cartoonish graphics, try these platform games. They are designed for Android smartphones. Some of them re-create console platformer games perfectly on mobile devices. The features of each game is listed below. The best and worst aspect of each game is provided as well.

Fast Like a Fox

The main character in this game is a fox. The goal is to run through a level, collecting coins. Along the way, there are gaps to jump over. The level progresses via side-scrolling, but the controls are touch-based. Tap the screen to jump and hold the screen to run.


  • Touch or tap controls
  • Multiple characters to play with
  • Multiple levels to play In

The Good: Stylish title screen

The Bad: Touch controls block view while playing


In this game, you play a sword-wielding villager that wakes up from a dream. Travel through the village to find out what’s going on. Along the way, collect items and meet friends. The first goal is to find your master.


  • Arrow icons for moving forward and backwards
  • Jump icon (curved arrow) for jumping
  • Character leveling and experience points (health, attack, and magic)
  • World map
  • Quests
  • Achievements

The Good: Well-designed animations for background characters and entities

The Bad: Time-consuming level introduction that goes on forever

Super Phantom Cat

This is a side-scrolling platformer that features lego-style graphics. The main character is a cat. As you move through the level, destroy enemies and break blocks to get rewards. There are friends shaped like robots in each level as well; they will launch you into the air to reach a platform.


  • On-screen directional chevrons for moving forward and backwards
  • On-screen jump chevron for jumping
  • HD mode
  • Customizable buttons and touch control option
  • Multiple levels

The Good: There are savepoints throughout the level. You can continue from there instead of starting over.

The Bad: Nothing. Everything is great.

Mercurial Platformer

This game has a narrative that provides directions for playing the game, and it reveals the story of the mercurial platformer. This character is shaped like a television and has emotional problems. He needs medication. Capsules float in various parts of the level,  and there are buttons to press to open walls. The goal is to finish the level by jumping over obstacles and traversing a strange upside-down realm.


  • On-screen arrows for moving back and forth
  • Double jump

The Good: Innovative upside-down levels that are challenging

The Bad: The character’s bouncing gait is annoying.

Super Retro Bot Platform Game

This platform game requires the player to collect batteries to stay alive. As you move through the level, the robot’s energy depletes. Collect new batteries before your energy bar reaches zero.


  • Double jump
  • On-screen chevrons for moving and jumping
  • Crushing pylons waiting to crush you

The Good: Challenging premise that requires the player to move through the level quickly.

The Bad: The pylons may cheat by predicting when you will cross underneath them.

The Best Game is…

Super Phantom Cat. This game has everything. You can play it like a regular console game. It’s similar to Super Mario Brothers. Jump into the air to break blocks and jump onto enemies to destroy them. The save points are handy as well.