App Name: Find the Difference-CatchPlus

DeveloperSioo Interactive Inc.

Cost: Free

Market: Google Play, iTunes


If you enjoy “spot the difference” type games, then you should give CatchPlus a shot. From their Google Play page:

CatchPlus is an exciting new social game that challenges you to spot the differences between two images while discovering new deals and earning rewards! 
Also, CatchPlus takes image puzzles to a whole new level by personalizing each challenge featuring you and your friends as the main attraction. Just visit CatchPlus on Facebook and upload the photos you’d like to gamify on our page. CatchPlus will build the puzzle which you can then share with your friends in a new and exciting way!

I have not uploaded any photos yet but I have tried the game and it fun. So far I have not done very well, finding the difference from real photos is challenging. They have done a very nice job with this game and allowing folks to upload their own photos adds a nice personal touch to it.

There are three main modes to the game:  Classic Mode where you see how well you can find the differences,  Speed Mode: where you need to clear 10 stages as fast as possible, and Time attack mode, where you need to clear out as many stages as possible before time runs out.

The game is free and available for both Android and iOS (iPhone, iTouch, iPad) devices.