From the Press Release:
Ask Wiz was created to provide an alternative to the outdated call centers and tech-support services which are time consuming, costly, and cover only a limited scope of topics. Ask Wiz
uses artificial intelligence to match each user’s support case with a subject matter tech expert, and leverages these one-on-one conversations to learn and become more knowledgeable over
time. The platform covers a wide range of topics and helps fix issues related to mobile phones, computers, and smart home devices.
“Our mission is to break down barriers between people and their tech” said Matan Talmi, CEO of Ask Wiz. “We designed Ask Wiz to help remove the headache from the conventional
tech-support experience and provide a solution fit for today’s consumers”.
During Beta, the platform grew to 2,000 active experts, handling anywhere from a dozen to several hundred cases each. “Being able to help people enjoy their tech is one of the things I
like most about being an expert on Ask Wiz” said Jamie Taylor, one of the leading experts on the platform who has so far handled over 900 cases.
Experts earn tips for cases they resolve, with tips starting at $2 and going up to $10 per case. Later this year, Ask Wiz plans to introduce affordable subscription packages and expand its
service to additional messaging platforms, aiming to take on Geek Squad and the $6 billion tech-support market.
About Ask Wiz
Ask Wiz (formerly Drippler) has helped millions worldwide make the most of their tech with the Drippler mobile app ( Android | iOS ). Ask Wiz, raised over $5M from Titanium Investments, TMT
Investments, iAngels, UpWest Labs and private investors.