After much thought, I have decided to set up another new section here at App Review Central – eSports in the mobile environment.

eSports is growing very quickly and is moving into the mobile arena. Right now the big mobile eSports games are Vainglory and Hearthstone, with Clash Royale moving up swiftly. Undoubtedly there will be others. Below are a couple of articles that highlight mobile and eSports.

In a recent article, “Why Future of eSports is Mobile” the author covers a number of factors that point to more mobile eSports games.

  • “Games with free distribution probably have the most leg for being successful in eSports because there’s a larger population of people playing it.”
  • “Mobile games offer built-in simplicity, such as eliminating the need for external controllers, which can bode well for streaming,..”
  • “Perhaps the biggest perk to mobile eSports is that the gameplay is intuitive for the smartphone generation.”

In another post, “Supercell Bullish on Mobile Games as ESports“, the author talks about where Supercell, the developer of Clash Royale, thinks things could go in the mobile arena.

  • “Mobile gaming can take eSports beyond the hardcore gaming niche and turn it into something that everyone does, everywhere,” the company wrote in its latest career listing end-May.”
  • “We believe that Clash Royale has the opportunity take eSports to a place it hasn’t quite caught on… mobile platforms,” the company wrote. “Today’s eSports experience is built for console and PC games, but with the massive reach and ubiquity of mobile devices, we believe it can become much more accessible and mainstream than ever before.”

So eSports and mobile go together. 🙂

This section of the site is somewhat open right now. The plan is to cover the mobile games in eSports but also apps, news, tournaments, basically anything eSports related to mobile. If you have any suggestions, let me know. Enjoy.