We all want to maintain a healthy lifestyle but this if often easier said than done. Many people plan to lose weight or maintain a healthy diet but unfortunately life sometimes gets in the way. This infographic from Lakeshore Convention Centre takes you through everything you need to know about the apps that can help you to take control of your diet.

One of the biggest stumbling blocks when it comes to diets can be meal planning. We might have great intentions about eating healthily but when we arrive home after a long day, it can be hard to put something healthy together. You’re often really tired so decide to put something together quickly or order a takeaway. MealBoard is an example of an app that could help you as it recommends meals based off leftover ingredients.

It’s probably a good idea to download a few of the apps to see if they help you any little bit. They’re mostly free so you have nothing to lose. Find out more in the infographic.