When was the last time you came across a horrible looking website that was absolutely killing it? Some people might point towards Craigslist, but I’m sure someone as smart as you will realize they are the exception instead of the rule. A truly great design is important these days whether you like it or not. There just so happens to be some magnificent design apps available and they can help make your life easier, so let’s check them out.

Handy Photo

How many websites do you see with horrible looking stock photos on every page? If you want to make your website stand out it’s much better to use your own photos. We have a camera built into every electronic device we carry, so the only thing missing is photo editing software. Handy Photo is powerful because it comes packed with lots of effects, so once you’ve played with the app your photos will look great and your visitors will appreciate them.


Depending on the type of business you run it’s possible you will need to use a slideshow on your website. There are times where you will also need to give a presentation. Flowboard is definitely the first app you should turn to when you need to do any of these things because it’s easy to use. It’s also packed with lots of templates which means you won’t have to start from scratch all the time. Doing this type of work is much easier on the iPad because you can use your fingers to drag stuff around.


A business website needs to look absolutely amazing for a number of different reasons, but do you know what the most important thing is about your site. It is the colors you use and if you get it wrong it can affect your business. The ColoRotate app was developed to help you choose the best colors every time. There are tons of cool features, but one of the better ones is how the layout will help you appreciate the relationship between different colors.


When you’re in business you don’t want people stealing things from you. If you owned a small shop you wouldn’t accept someone walking in and lifting something off the shelf, so don’t accept people stealing things from your website. The main culprits are the ones who go around stealing photos to use on their own site. The Marksta app will help you by allowing you to add a watermark to each photo you upload to your site, which will stop people from stealing them.


Sometimes you won’t want to put normal photos on your site because you will feel like doing something a little different. If you’re good at drawing pictures you might love the iDraw app, as the professional looking drawings you create will look great on your site. It’s not some cheap little MS Paint alternative. It’s the real deal and you can create beautiful vector illustrations the same as you would if you were using powerful software like Illustrator.

A great design is crucial

If you look at the websites people have these days you’ll notice the designs are completely different to back in the day. Even though design changes it still needs to look amazing no matter what the year is. If you don’t have a nice website it will eat into your profits unless you’re very lucky. The apps we’ve spoken about today aren’t exactly crucial, but if you have an iPad I’m sure you’ll enjoy using them to keep your website looking great.

Author Bio:The author of this post, Jenny Wadlow, who often writes for Trice Web Development. In her spare time she enjoys blogging about her opinions and suggestions and also experiments with classic desserts.You can follow her on twitter @JennyWadlow.