While you are sure to enjoy all the wonderful features of your Android phone, many people share the same complaint that their battery simply dies entirely too quickly. Understanding exactly what is killing your Android battery is crucial in order to extend its life between charges, as well as the overall life expectancy before replacement.

Global Positioning Software and Applications
By far the strongest drain on your Android battery is accidentally or unknowingly leaving your GPS function turned on. As many phones have the GPS feature, many users are not aware at just how many apps use it. For example, if you have a weather app installed, and have your GPS set to be used by applications as needed then your weather app is constantly using that GPS feature, and thus draining your battery faster than you can charge it up. It is important to also remember to turn off your GPS if you have recently used it for directions, or through apps that use it only when permitted by you.

Bluetooth Usage
Coming in a close second to your phone battery drain by GPS is its loss to Bluetooth. Bluetooth uses a lot of power in order to maintain high speed transmission of data, and so by leaving it on all the time you will quickly drain the battery to nothing. Make sure that your phone isn’t set to constantly search for Bluetooth devices, and that the discovery feature of your phone is turned off at all times. Also, be certain to pair your hands free headset with your phone so that it is not searching for a handset at all times. By pairing your frequently used devices your phone will only locate them when needed rather than searching for them all the time.

WIFI Settings
Another rapid battery drain comes in the form of inactive WIFI use. Many users will forget to disable WIFI when they are not using it which results in your Android device constantly searching the airways for a WIFI connection. By only enabling your WIFI as you need it you will make certain that your battery lasts for much longer than before.

Hidden Applications
Applications are wonderful additions to your Android device that allow everything from business use, to organization, and entertainment. The diversity of apps is one of the most alluring features of Android devices. The key to remember here is that you need to have something to keep your apps in check as many apps will constantly run in the background of your phone sucking away at your battery life. In order to remedy this simply check out the numerous utilities which allow you to stop background app permissions, and extend your precious battery life.

In Closing
By following the above mentioned advice, and checking out some of the various battery saving apps that are available for your Android device, you will start to see incredible improvement not only in your battery life, but also in your Android devices overall performance. Keep in mind that your Android is basically a small computer, and that the more you have running on it the slower it performs, and the faster it will drain its battery.

 About the author: Powweb, you can get more information on the author by having a look at his website here.